Saturday, 31 January 2009

Best Websites to Help You Save Money

The following is a list of links you may find helpful and best of all will help you save money. They are all tried and tested by myself so they won't be no cons.

If you think Ive missed something out, just let me know. As I will be updating this blog on a regular basis make sure you click on the follow this blog link, on the right sidebar, to be notified when the blog is updated.

  •, this site offers paid surveys, the surveys don't tend to be time consuming and normally take a couple of mins to complete. When you have earned enough points for £20 you can apply for a voucher. Basically 1 point is equalt to 1p. so you will need 2000 points in order to claim a voucer, this sounds like a lot but it isn't as I have already received 2 vouchers. The vouchers are actually usable and you can choose from a good selection of shops including all the Arcadia group of shops Topshop, Burton etc, which is great for students who want to look good.

  •, is another great site that is free and tells you about loads of offers and competitions open to students, well worth a look. A current offer is buy 12 krispy kreme dohnuts and you can get another dozen free.

  •, another awesome website for a student on a tight budget, the website is regularly updated by Martin Lewis and there are also great forums where you can find out about some great deals before everyone else.

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