The University of Manchester holds a Freshers Fair, normally held in the Manchester Academy, where you can meet all the different societies and you can sign up (try and join just a couple of societies you can seriously see yourself being a part of, as the time you spend outside study will look good to employers if you spend it wisely) or find out details of taster sessions. For instance there is a ju jitsu taster which will give you an idea of what sort of fight moves you could learn. Be warned that some societies may have an upfront charge for joining such as the Politics Society so its probably not wise to join every society as you wont be able to go to them all. The uni also holds a separate Sports Fair where you can specifically find out about sports clubs, this is normally held upstairs in the Steve Bilko Union Building on Oxford Road. Don't worry too much though as you should get a guide in the post a couple of weeks before Fresher's starts.
During the first week of uni, you are not normally scheduled to have any lectures so it is a good time to let your hair down, but don't go too wild as you don't want to make a bad impression with your new mates. During the course of the week you are also normally required to register, so this is where you will hand in your bursary form if you are entitled to one and you'll also have a photo taken for your student ID card. For more info on the Uni's individual Freshers week's click on the links below.
Generally you should have your timetable by halfway through the week. It will seem like it needs its own degree to work it out, so take care and check if necessary. Make sure you don't miss the first few lectures, as they can be quite important. At the start of term, learning is the last thing on your mind. That's fine - there will be plenty of time for that later, but make sure you have all the bits and pieces you need, and keep up with the lectures. Otherwise it can be real hard to catch up. Although you may have heard that you just need to pass your first year, you still need to pass and gain enough credits to gain entry into the second year. You will also make your first impressions on your tutors and you know what they say about first impressions, so be good.
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